The removal of unwanted hair is a constant hassle for many people. Shaving, waxing or tweezing hair takes time and money and can cause pain and discomfort. There is, however, a better solution.
At Ophthalmic Consultants of Long Island we use the Palomar Vectus™, Laser to permanently remove unwanted hair. Palomar has led the way in laser hair removal technology and the Vectus™ laser provides fast, safe, effective and comfortable treatment for the largest range of skin and hair types. The Vectus™, laser also features the Skintel™ Melanin Reader™, the only FDA-approved melanin reader, which allows for a treatment that is tailored to your individual skin type.
Most Commonly Treated Areas
- Face
- Underarms
- Bikini
- Chest and back
- Arms and legs